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What is the peer-to-peer connections program (by and how do I use it?

  • 27 December 2022
  • 0 replies
What is the peer-to-peer connections program (by and how do I use it? is an AI powered matching engine that helps drive powerful 1:1 conversations.

So why did we choose to partner with to bring you Bynder peer to peer connections?

First, it would be important to mention that peer to peer connections was born as a result of hearing from multiple customers that they would like to network with other customers regularly. 

As a result, we wanted to bring you these 1:1 virtual chats to build deeper connections and provide instant networking opportunities. 

How it works: Based on your feedback, we are holding bi-monthly connection chats. All communication is handled directly through When you receive your invite from ( opt in to be matched with another Bynder customer for a virtual conversation based on compatible goals and experiences. You’ll be introduced to your match over email and receive a fully editable calendar invite to help with scheduling.

Want to know what others are saying about this networking program?

There is something psychological that I can't explain, but it feels good to speak to somebody at your level in Bynder (who is not a Bynder employee) that you can discuss your challenges and opportunities with, so thank you for this, please include me in future peer:peer interactions.


It was wonderful to chat with someone else using the system and how it is being used compared to ours. We also discussed our implementation processes. We hope to have another chat in a few weeks to continue. Thank you for the introduction!

I learn something new from each conversation! From training recommendations to add-ons to general process questions, these conversations are SO valuable. Thank you Bynder for coordinating!

Common FAQs

❓ I cannot make virtual 1:1 chat as originally planned, how do I reschedule?

✔️ Great news! You have full edit access to your calendar invite. Simply edit the invite and propose a new time to your match. If you need help reach out to me directly via email and I will help. Click here to learn more information about our cancellation policy.

❓ I did not receive my calendar invite, now what?

✔️ Didn’t receive your calendar invite and think you should have by now? Reach out to me directly via email and I will help.

❓I have a preferred video chat service I like to use.

✔️ If there is a different video chat service you prefer, you can update the calendar invitation with a new link (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.) before the call.

❓I have a colleague I think would be a great fit for this program, how do I invite them?
✔️ Simply forward your invite to the individual(s) and tell them to sign up using the opt-in link in the email. We are excited to welcome new faces to our growing Community! 

❓I want to provide feedback about the peer to peer connection program outside of the survey form I received at the close of my chat, how do I do that?

✔️ Feel free to share in this thread, via private messaging, or directly via email and let me know your insights and feedback. We would love to hear your thoughts on how we can continually improve our programs!

Keen an eye out for next peer chats via email invitation, opt-in link in our newsletter, or in the Events section of the Community.

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