AI, automation, & Bynder resources

AI, automation, & Bynder resources

There are a ton of AI technologies, albeit, most are very new and in beta, out there today. At Bynder, we’re approaching the use and implementation of AI to focus on the actual positive impact a particular AI technology can have on your day-to-day operations. Some things are not applicable for a DAM.

For example, Adobe’s Firefly technology which utilizes generative visual AI to create content variations, are great for creative tools, but not for a DAM. We integrate very well with Adobe, therefore, once you create such assets, you can push them into our DAM using the integration, etc. 

At Bynder, automation and AI (that actually makes your life easier and saves you time) are integral to our products. But we’re not just throwing around AI for AI’s sake- we’re focused on the automations that streamline your workflows throughout the content lifecycle: Create, Manage, Distribute.

  • Create:
    • Studio automates asset creation, localization, and personalization with easy-to-use templates that exponentially reduce the amount of time required to produce your content. 
    • Generative text in Content Workflow streamlines your first draft, which is the bulk of the time/resource needed to create new content. From there, you’re incorporating feedback and making minor changes. We’re using Open.AI technology to allow you to summarize, complete, or translate content using AI technologies.
  • Manage:
    • Automated tagging in the DAM saves time on upload. And your content is more accessible and reusable when you can dynamically search for (and train models to identify) brand markers with image scans, or search for words in flat images not just searchable documents. 
    • Optical character recognition allows you to find content easily without the need of applying metadata. Read text within images, identify brands and products visually using OCR.
    • Duplicate Finder: XYZ
  • Distribute:
    • Dynamic Asset Transformations (DAT) is a game-changer for automating the distribution of content that optimized for your products and your audience’s devices.
    • Smart focus point technology
    • Auto cropping

What AI and automations do you want to see more of in your DAM? Let us know in the comments!



6 replies

Userlevel 5

The biggest barrier for us right now is managing governance on metadata during the upload process. Many teams fill out the bare minimum without truly understanding the impact on DAM search and content admin; all to often we have to reject uploads in Waiting room and ask that they properly follow guides.

Any Ai tools that Bynder could integrate to improve metadata tagging by training our own models would be invaluable, we are already looking at trying to integrate tools such as Clarifai ( to bridge this gap for:

  • Talent identification using facial recognition
  • Logo Identification for Brand Recognition
  • Automatically recognising partner logos for co-branded assets and setting group permissions
  • Product recognition
  • Better tagging trained from a managed glossary of terms
  • Identification of the number of people in an image
  • The list goes on and on
Userlevel 5

Thanks for this feedback, @KlausRoots. Have you checked out our EMRAYS connector yet?

Using AI to help manage content at scale, improve content operations, and improve asset findability in the DAM are definitely top of mind for our team as well. We have a webinar coming up on June 28 and June 29 in which our VP of Product, Murat, will cover what we currently offer and what we have planned on the AI front. (Lots of good stuff on the roadmap!) We're also planning a few AI-specific Ask me Anything sessions later this summer - more info to come on that.

 @Murat Akyol @toni.aquino  - some AI and integrations insights for you

Hi there :),

I am interested in the smart tagging for images that @Murat Akyol mentioned during the end of the “using IA” webinar. One of our main problems is that a lot of our content is not easy to find in the DAM because it is not tagged for example. And adding tags manually makes the already time consuming upload process even longer.

Maybe smart tagging could help here.

How does this work? How can we activate this tool?



Best regards,


Userlevel 5

Hi @Katie_ARTDECO - Bynder can automatically tag your images after upload. Bynder AI tagging is powered by Rekognition, a service offered by Amazon Web Services. This service can identify thousands of objects and analyze facial expressions to accurately provide your assets with the right tags. Shortly after upload, the automated tags will be available under the Automated Tags section of the asset detail screen, and the top 25 automated tags will display in the smartfilter. While you can’t add new automated tags, you can delete them. 


You can find a bit more info on automated tags here or reach out to Support to enable! 

Userlevel 2

Hi @Katie_ARTDECO, thanks for your interest in this functionality!

My name is Jovana, I’m a Product Manager here at Bynder. Following up on @grace.sherman ‘s comment...Worth mentioning that your perception of value for this feature might vary depending on a couple of factors:

  • the process for uploading assets (e.g. if you are batch-uploading assets via API, auto-tags will not be applied)
  • the nature of assets that you store in your DAM (it’s currently auto-detecting generic concepts and objects in images only). Of course, there is no harm in turning it on and then disabling if it doesn’t address your needs (with the help of our Support team)

We are happy to explain more over a call if you’re interested. My team is currently working on solutions in the realm of asset enrichment and we’d love to learn about your use cases and challenges in this area and understand how we could improve it.

Our focus is mainly around automating asset tagging with the help of AI technologies to streamline uploading processes and improve findability of assets resulting in higher speed of execution so it sounds like it would be of your interest. 

Would you be open for a short call with us to get a better understanding of your uploading processes and provide you with more information on the auto-tag functionality?

If so, please let us know some available slots that we could connect in the upcoming weeks... 




Userlevel 1

Exciting news! Bynder acquires EMRAYS to revolutionize DAM user experience with AI-powered innovation -
