Great to see you in the Community @ZhengTzerLee! Thank you for taking the time to ask your question. Using the information provided, this should be doable. Using /api/v4/collections/?limit=1&page={number} should loop through and give all different collections. If it's not working for you, it may be best to submit a support ticket for them to take a look. I can submit a ticket on your behalf if that’s helpful.Â
Hi Ryanne
IÂ try to submit the ticket myself, but no luck to identify the portal,
kindly raise the ticket on my behalf, thanks Ryanne!
issue background
tried to retrieve all collections through API in python with multi thread, but result either fall short (less than expected) or appear duplication records
what i tried
1st API call to obtain the total of collection need to retrieve
url = f"{base_url}?limit=1&page=1&count=1"
2nd API call
url = f"{base_url}?page={page}&limit=50&orderBy=dateCreated desc"
script message : 1st run result
INFO:root:Script started at: 2024-07-16 15:56:19.754188INFO:root:Total results: 2865, Total pages: 58100%|██████████| 58/58 ˆ01:57<00:00, 2.02s/it]INFO:root:Progress end, total 2371 unique recordsINFO:root:Summary Report:INFO:root:Total records retrieved: 2371INFO:root:Unique records: 2371
script message : 2nd run result
INFO:root:Script started at: 2024-07-16 16:06:30.200857INFO:root:Total results: 2865, Total pages: 58100%|██████████| 58/58 502:00<00:00, 2.07s/it]INFO:root:Progress end, total 2415 unique recordsINFO:root:Summary Report:INFO:root:Total records retrieved: 2415INFO:root:Unique records: 2415
notice there were 2865 collections, but each run will result different total
another method that i tried
use the total as page to loop through where each call is limit to 1, this approach will cause duplication
what works
not using multithread, let the script call 1 by 1 then no issue, this shouldn’t be
please check and let me know which part i did wrongly
Thank you for the additional info @ZhengTzerLee! I can confirm this has been sent to support as a ticket.