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If your portal is set up to create derivatives, then the blue download button on the single asset page's information pane defaults to "Download all files."


Our DAM users would 9/10 times require the original asset, and in most cases, our derivatives are for use by downstream platforms automatically picked up in the back end by our API.


The option to have the default download setting on the single asset page information pane set to "Download file" instead of its current "Download all files (9)" initiating the download of all our nine derivatives would be a more logical workflow for our users. (Please refer to the screen grabs.) 


Have other Bynder customers found this to be the case, and has there been any other feedback regarding this current functionality state?

Thanks for the insights @Andrew Edwards and additional information about your use case! I have shared this feedback with the product team.

I totally agree with you @Andrew Edwards, our case is exactly the same. By mistake users download all files, when they actually only wants the original file. 

So it would definitely make sense to set the default derivative download to “DOWNLOAD original file” instead of “DOWNLOAD ALL FILES” 😉

