We have a problem where when we search for an image using the filename, sometimes that image won’t appear--even though it is in Bynder (and approved). I can search for something else and I will find that image. Then when I come back to search for the original image that didn’t show up in my search, it is present and I get search results.
This is quite an infuriating problem as we use Bynder for images on our website and sometimes we get missing image even though they are in Bynder and have shown up before (or the other images show up).
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Hey @jschneider , Are the images showing as missing on the website they are embedded on or just in Bynder during search?
Reason I ask is because, with search specifically, we have an issue with exact searches, especially if the title is too long. Even copy/pasting the title leads to no search result until we backspace enough.
Example below of an asset searched by copy/pasing.
Asset not appearing w/ exact title copy/pasted
When I backspace enough, the results eventually show.
Assets appearing when backspacing enough
My guess I am wondering if there is a bug that is either:
Causing exact matches to not appear (maybe the system thinks a space is also being added?)
With that being said, it took 5-7 backspaces to get the results to show
Causing any searches beyond a specific character count to not be indexed (Maybe 40+?)
This is just my guess, but I believe it may be a bug.
@Bynder Reps, Are you able to verify if this issue happen for you?
Thanks @KevinMurphy! I appreciate the thoughtful response.
Yes, what’s happening is our website is using the Bynder Wordpress connector to call to Bynder for the image using the ID which is how we name the files. An ID is either 15 or 18 characters long.
What I think is happening is that sometimes when the website calls to Bynder with the ID, Bynder either can’t find it or times out which means we get a blank image on our website which is not ideal.
Sometimes I look up the ID in Bynder of an image missing on our website, and using the ID, get no search results. Even though it is in Bynder! And if I try later I might get the resulting image or I might not.
Any suggestions for working around this when calling to Bynder?
Thanks in advance!
I would open a support ticket. Bynder support may be able to look into it to see if there is a issue on the Bynder side (support@bynder.com)
Keep us updated, hopefully there is a quick solution for what you are experiencing.
Thank you for the support @KevinMurphy! I would recommend Kevin’s expertise on this. @jschneider let me know if you want me to open a ticket on your behalf.
I have the same experience as @jschneider, when I search for an asset name I know is in the DAM and it comes back with no search results.
Thanks for flagging this @Nadine! I am sending this over as a support ticket on your behalf.
@Nadine if you hear of a solution please share. Thank you!