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I’m working with the Bynder API and have a custom field on my website to enter Bynder Media ID and using PHP CURL wih Bynder Oauth 2.0 App to get token and using Media ID to return the PDF.


If I do just this<BYNDER-MEDIA-ID> i only get access to thumbnail of the PDF but not PDF file itself.

If I do this:
it returns json with ‘s3_file’: ‘URL to PDF’ which seems to work.
however when I use this in my template on a link it downloads the PDF successfully on desktop BUT on mobile (I tested on iPhone) it doesn’t work.
Is there a way to just get link to PDF without it downloading automatically. So if I want to add the PDF url to a link and open in a new tab or window that works. If not, how to make this work on mobile?
thanks for any help.

Thanks for your question @kgarrison! I am sending this over as ticket to support and ask them to help investigate this.

thank you Ryanne! I got a reply by email but when I click the link to this post I don’t see it.But I can read it. It is basically telling me to check my browser settings. What I ended up doing was setting all our PDFs to public in the Bynder admin. This made them available in the API differently and when I accessed them this way the PDF opened in a new tab and did not download automatically. So this can be closed. Thank you!

Thanks for letting us know @kgarrison about your experience and how you were able to resolve! 
