Video: The 15 metrics most critical to DAM success

  • 30 November 2022
  • 2 replies
Video: The 15 metrics most critical to DAM success
Userlevel 3

Earlier this Fall I posted about a presentation I was putting together called ‘The 15 metrics most critical to DAM success’ and asked for the Community to weigh in, and some of you did! That was really helpful and interesting to get different perspectives on which metrics you find most valuable for your DAM. 

Here is the video recording of that session I did with Henry Stewart. If you get a few minutes, give it a watch so we can hear what you think and which metrics stand out to you! 



2 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi ​​​@Bernadette Silva

This might be interesting for you, since you are looking at how to quantify the success of Creative Workflow and DAM!


Thanks @krijn.roodenburg. This is really useful.
