Use case review: Give more users access to your DAM to find and download files

  • 8 February 2023
  • 0 replies
Use case review: Give more users access to your DAM to find and download files
Userlevel 3

If you're looking for a way to get even more value from Bynder, here's a simple recommendation: give more users access to your DAM to find and download files. It could be users from within your organization, third party partners and distributors or both. More users drive ROI. Here's why:

  • Improved collaboration: if everyone knows exactly where to access assets from, you can reduce administrative tasks and streamline your processes. Your teams can work smarter and find assets faster, saving them valuable time.
  • Consolidate systems: having different teams on different systems is inefficient and creates silos. Bringing more users onto Bynder can help ensure you don't have redundant systems - and that you're not spending money on something else you don't need.
  • Brand consistency: having a system of record where all of your users can easily access finished assets ensures that your team isn't looking for logos "in the wild". Think: if someone on your team doesn't know where to find your logo, they may turn to Google (gasp!). Make it nice and easy for everyone to find approved creative assets.
  • Asset reuse: another benefit to making Bynder your system of record is that it will be easier to manage and find assets. That means your team can maximize the value of the assets you already have and help you save money you would have otherwise spent to create new assets.
  • Permission profiles: the flexibility of Bynder's permissions allow you to add more users while making sure those users only have access to the assets relevant to them. You don't have to worry about the wrong user accessing the wrong assets.

Let me know in the comments or talk to your CSM about how to make the most of light user licenses.


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