Integrating your DAM, have you considered DAT?

  • 6 December 2022
  • 0 replies
Integrating your DAM, have you considered DAT?
Userlevel 3

If you're reading this, I'd be willing to bet you have a website. Or maybe multiple websites. And that you're also serving content to multiple channels beyond your website, like social channels or email. If you haven't yet integrated other systems in your marketing tech stack to your Bynder DAM, there are countless benefits to making those connections. Not least of which, is that automating these processes will help you work more efficiently - we know that is always important but it's especially important in a time like now when everyone is looking to do more with less.

Some of you need to scale in the most cost effective way possible; others aim to be more efficient in places you've already invested in. Either way, integrating is something you should consider.

On top of that, if you use Bynder's Dynamic Asset Transformation to automatically serve optimized, highly performant images to your website, not only will you gain operational efficiencies by saving time on things like development and image resizing but you'll also deliver an exceptional content experience. Page sizes will decrease and page load time will be faster, both keeping the attention of your site visitors but also improving your SEO results to bring even more visitors to your site. More visitors + visitors staying longer = higher conversions / revenue.

So if you've been looking for ways to work more efficiently while continuing to deliver on your strategic priorities and make sure your customers have the best experience possible, you should consider integrating your DAM with your CMS - and leveraging DAT.

Not sure where to begin? Post your questions here and let's get the conversation started!


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