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Are you getting the most out of your DAM investment?

  • 1 November 2022
  • 1 reply
Are you getting the most out of your DAM investment?

There's so much value in having a DAM and we've heard from many of you that they have confidence in the return you're getting on your investment in Bynder.

If you're reading this, you likely have a key role in getting the most value from the DAM at your organization so you'd probably be interested to know that we've also heard from our customers that when faced with some of the challenges of a down economy, they're getting more value from their DAM then ever before.

Why? Because when you're facing economic headwinds, you need to do more with less. And you need to work more efficiently and improve collaboration because you may have less budget and resources. Your strategic priorities don't stop and neither does your need to keep your brand consistent across channels and deliver exceptional content experiences to your customers. Bynder helps with scalability, efficiency and business continuity all the time but especially during a challenging time like now. Ways you can get more value:

  • Get more users into the DAM. Why limit the benefits of the DAM to one team or one region? Improve collaboration across your whole team.
  • Get more assets into the DAM. Why pay for other file storage solutions or DAMs in your org? Consolidate to Bynder, put all your finished assets in one place, make your DAM the system of record at your company and eliminate silos.
  • Connect your DAM to adjacent systems. Why continue with manual, time-consuming processes when you can gain efficiencies with automation? Everyone has a website so consider starting with an integration with your CMS.
  • Reuse assets and get more value. Why spend money re-creating assets for new campaigns when you have perfectly good, visually compelling existing assets? Your DAM is in place to make it easier to manage and find assets - so focus your team on maximizing the value of the assets you have and get more bang for your buck.

The list goes on. I'd love to hear more from you on ways you're getting value from the DAM at your organization.


1 reply

Userlevel 5

@Heidi Lasker - really great information! I think that this is going to tie in super nicely to the webinar next week, Why Strategic DAM is mission critical. The Strategic Account Director, Brittany, and I are going to chat about this in more detail, even using specific customer examples. 


If anyone is interested in joining, you can do so here: 
