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How do Champion points work? We've rolled out a killer point system to honor your contributions. No matter which activities you choose, there's ways to stack up points and hit milestones:

Earning points in the Community:

  • Joining the community: 10 Points
    • Writing a post/question: 5 Points
    • Replying to a post: 5 Points
    • Answer a question: 5 Points
    • Becoming the Community Champion of the month - 20 Points

Reviewing Bynder:

Posting on LinkedIn

  • Sharing your experience to your network on LinkedIn: 50 Points per post!

Share your story with Bynder

  • Share your story on a webinar: 20 Points
  • Share your story at an industry event: 20 Points
  • Speak at Bynder Connect: 50 Points
  • Do a written or video customer story: 50 Points

Want to know how you’re stacking up?

  1. Every 2 months, the Champion Team will email you to let you know how many points you have
  2. Otherwise, please reach out to @Victoria Morgan or @Ryanne Perry directly

Badges :trophy:

  • When you join the program, you automatically earn a blue ‘DAM Champion badge’
  • You also have the opportunity to receive additional badges in Bronze, Silver, & Gold
    • The more activities you complete the more badges you receive
    • Our Community will know how much of a rockstar you are

Thanks for being a Champion! :rocket: 

Would have loved to have a portal like influitive to manage my advocacy activity easily and effectively, but glad to be part of this great community! 
