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Have you noticed our Champions in the Community? You’ve probably seen their usernames at the top of the leaderboard, in our news, or sharing their kick ass skills.

Meet our newest selected Champion, @jezmynne 

1. Please tell us a bit about your role. 

I am a Digital Asset Management Librarian for the JR Simplot Company, where I run the DAM program overseeing a team of librarians.

2. What Bynder products are you currently using to support your business? 

We are currently using the Bynder DAM, Dynamic Asset Transformation, Template Studio, Brand Guidelines, and the API for integrations.

3. How are you integrating your DAM? 

We are integrated with a couple of workflow/creative collateral design tools, our CMSs, and Azure for sorting our employees into groups.  We’ll be integrating with a PIM this year. 

4. Where are you seeing the most value from Bynder?

There is so much value with Bynder! Our employees have assets at their fingertips for the promotion of goods and services, integrations into our digital presence, and assets for presentations, documents, and more.  We are saving staff time with an efficient search and find experience and the company money from asset re-creation and litigation through risk management.

5. What do you like most about the Bynder Community?  

I love the Bynder community for the networking, idea sharing, and collaboration around a single tool we use.  I learn so much every time I read community posts!

Congratulations @jezmynne!! So interesting to read more about your role and all the work you are doing at JR Simplot 🙂 Thanks for contributing so much to the community.

So glad to have you as part of our Bynder community, @jezmynne ! 
