
Support Tab on Login

  • 3 April 2024
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi. Can someone explain the Support Tab on the login page, we are testing it out and Admin has not received any notifications. Is this tab for Bynder Support or Admin Support? Sorry I have not been able to find any topics on this. This would be awesome for a user to request an account. Right now users are going to our IT dept.


2 replies

Userlevel 6

Hi @mglidden -This is the Support form that can be configured within Portal settings by an Admin. Some older clients have this setup to route directly to Bynder Support. We now encourage these to be setup to route to a Portal Admin, to help mitigate tasks for something that can be handled by their Admin. 

You may also find this knowledge base article helpful

Userlevel 2

Perfect!! Didn’t realize that there was a form involved. Thank You very much!!
