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I have UGC clips with night vision camera of Ring. I want to link similar visuals. I’ve file name which is unique but the keywords are shared and common. How to link assets so they show up in the search same time.

DAM Ring/ Amazon

Hi @Harish_CrawlQ
There are a couple ways you can achieve this:

  1. Ensure all videos have the same metadata properties, including tags, naming convention, etc. This should help, granted it is dependent upon user search behavior. Over time, using the analytics, you may need to adjust the metaproperties / tags to optimize for your specific users. 
  2. Depending on the number of assets you need linked, you could use the Linked assets section. That way, if a user clicks into an asset’s detail page, they can see linked content. Probably only beneficial if small sections of video content are needed. 
  3. Filters are another way to achieve this. Create a metaproperty for visual style / similarity. For example, in my portal, I have a metaproperty for Intended background, so that users can filter for content (mostly illustrations / logos) intended for dark backgrounds, light backgrounds, or both. For yours, it could be something like Visuals, with options like Cloudy, Sunny, Night Vision / Infrared, etc. When users search for Night vision, night vision content would appear in the search. For users who are more inclined to Filter first, they could filter by Night vision, then narrow down further by other properties. 
  4. You could also add all of those assets to a large collection, which should appear in the search results. Users could click into the collection, then find what they need in the collection. However, this requires users managing the library to make sure to assign all content to the collection to work appropriately, which is an added step
